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If you’re visiting this page, it’s likely because you’ve got a query about your Solar, EV or Infrared installation.


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Thank you for visiting the customer support page.

This page contains information about the various brands and devices we install. We hope you find what you are looking for and we have answered any questions you might have, however, if we haven’t please reach our team via phone or by completing the contact form on this page..

Solar PV Support

We understand you might have some further questions regarding your solar installation, including the panels, inverter and battery storage. We’ve answered some of the most frequently asked questions below and included links to some of the help desks and support pages for the brands we install, where you can find further information.

Why is my solar array producing less power than expected?

Our computer models estimate the annual energy generation based on factors such as the level of irradiance, potential shading, average cloud cover, and several other considerations. However, it is important to note that these are based on average data, and actual yearly outputs can vary. Therefore, it is normal to occasionally experience periods that deviate from the projected figures.

During the winter months, from October to March, we anticipate that your energy generation will be approximately 60% lower compared to the period from April to September. This is due to the reduced sunlight availability during the winter months.

Why Is My Solar System Producing Less Power Than Expected?

Solar panel output can vary due to several factors like weather conditions, shading, or panel orientation. If you’re noticing consistently lower performance, it might be worth getting your system checked for any technical issues.

How Will Solar Installation Affect My Property Value and Insurance?

Solar panels are increasingly recognised as a valuable addition to properties, often enhancing their market value. This feature is becoming more attractive to potential buyers and tenants. While there’s no absolute guarantee that installing solar panels will increase your property’s value, it’s a trend we’re observing in the market. For a precise valuation post-installation, consulting with an estate agent is a wise step.

Regarding insurance, some providers may require details about your solar PV system. If you need any specific information about your installation and can’t find it, our team is always here to help. Please don’t hesitate to contact our friendly team for any assistance you may require.

How do I access the Smart Export Guarantee (SEG) ?

To access the Smart Export Guarantee (SEG), you’ll need to have a smart meter installed that can measure the electricity you export to the grid. The process typically involves these steps:

  1. Ensure Eligibility: Your solar PV system must be eligible for the SEG. This usually means meeting certain standards and having a capacity of no more than 5MW.

  2. Choose an Energy Supplier: Find an energy supplier that offers an SEG tariff. Most large suppliers are required to offer these tariffs, but smaller suppliers may also provide them voluntarily.

  3. Get Your System Certified: Your solar PV system should be certified under the Microgeneration Certification Scheme (MCS) or an equivalent. This certifies that your installation has been done to a high standard.

  4. Install a Smart Meter: If you don’t already have one, you’ll need a smart meter that can record the electricity you export.

  5. Contact Your Supplier: Once everything is set up, contact your chosen supplier to sign up for their SEG tariff. They will guide you through the contract process and inform you about the rates you’ll receive for the exported energy.

  6. Regular Readings and Payments: Your smart meter will record the energy you export. The supplier will use this data to calculate your payments under the SEG.

Remember, it’s a good idea to shop around and compare SEG tariffs from different suppliers to find the best deal for you. If you need further assistance or have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to your energy supplier or our team.

How Often Do I Need to Clean My Solar Panels?

The frequency of cleaning your solar panels can vary, but a good rule of thumb is to check and clean them about once or twice a year. This helps ensure they operate efficiently. However, the exact frequency can depend on several factors:

  1. Location: If you live in an area with high dust levels or frequent bird droppings, you might need to clean your panels more often.

  2. Weather Conditions: In many cases, rain does a decent job of naturally cleaning the panels. If you live in an area with less rainfall, more frequent cleaning might be necessary.

  3. Angle of Installation: Solar panels installed at a steeper angle often require less cleaning, as debris is more likely to slide off.

Before cleaning, always check the manufacturer’s guidelines. For safety and to avoid accidental damage, it’s often best to hire professionals, especially if your panels are hard to reach.

Remember, a little maintenance can go a long way in keeping your solar system efficient and effective!

Can't find the answer you're looking for?

We update our frequently asked post-installation questions from time to time, so we appreciate that the answer you are looking for may not always be here. 

Product Support Pages

Below you will find information and link to all of the product and brands that we install, including links to their dedicated support pages.


Chinese developed and manufactured Solis are the world’s 3rd largest manufacturer of Solar Inverter, offering both domestic and commercial solutions.


SolarEdge is one of the world’s leading innovators and manufacturers of Inverter and Battery technology with 2.6million systems worldwide.


Fox ESS, a global leader in energy storage, specializes in innovative battery and inverter technology, enhancing renewable energy efficiency and reliability.


Growatt, a leading global enterprise, excels in manufacturing solar inverters, energy storage systems, and smart energy solutions for sustainability.

EV Charger Support

Unarguably, the most important part of owning your electric vehicle is the ability to charge it in readiness for your next Green journey! 

We appreciate from time to time there may be issues or questions surrounding your EV charger, we hope we have answered these below.

How do I operate the charger?

To operate your EV charger, connect the charging cable to your vehicle’s charging port. Most chargers start automatically, but some may require you to press a start button. Refer to your specific charger’s manual for detailed operating instructions and any unique features it may have.

Is there an app or system to monitor charging?

Many modern EV chargers come with a compatible app that allows you to monitor and control charging remotely. These apps can show real-time charging status, history, and allow you to schedule charging. Consult your charger’s manual to see if it supports app connectivity and for setup instructions.

What should I do if the charger isn’t working properly?

If your charger isn’t working properly, first check the user manual for troubleshooting tips. Common issues can often be resolved by resetting the unit or checking the connection. If problems persist, contact the manufacturer’s customer support for further assistance.

What maintenance does the charger require?

Regular maintenance for EV chargers is minimal. It’s advisable to periodically inspect the unit for any physical damage, ensure the cable is not frayed or damaged, and keep the connector clean. Refer to your charger’s manual for any specific maintenance guidelines recommended by the manufacturer.

What should I do if the charger isn’t working properly?

If your charger isn’t working properly, first check the user manual for troubleshooting tips. Common issues can often be resolved by resetting the unit or checking the connection. If problems persist, contact the manufacturer’s customer support for further assistance.

Can't find the answer you're looking for?

We update our frequently asked post-installation questions from time to time, so we appreciate that the answer you are looking for may not always be here. 

Product Support Pages

Below you will find information and link to all of the product and brands that we install, including links to their dedicated support pages.


Easee, a Norwegian EV charger brand, excels in sleek design, smart technology, energy efficiency, and compatibility with various electrical systems.

Sevadis Autel

Specialising in in efficient EV charging solutions, known for their robust design, advanced connectivity features, and compatibility with a wide range of electric vehicles.

Simpson & Partners

Simpson & Partners, based in the UK, is known for manufacturing high-quality EV chargers domestically, emphasizing local expertise and robust design.

EO Genius 2

EO Charging designs efficient electric vehicle chargers, focusing on simplicity and reliability, catering to both businesses and individual consumers.


Hypervolt offers innovative, high-performance electric vehicle charging solutions, emphasizing smart technology and user-friendly design for homes and businesses.


Specialising in intelligent EV charging, integrating advanced technology to optimise energy usage and cost-effectiveness for eco-conscious consumers.

My Energi

Myenergi produces eco-friendly EV chargers, focusing on energy efficiency and sustainability, ideal for environmentally conscious individuals and businesses in the UK.


VCHRGD offers robust and efficient EV charging solutions, emphasising ease of use and reliability, suitable for both domestic and commercial applications.


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